Scaling, polishing teeth

Scaling, tooth polishing is a process to help remove tartar that you should perform periodically.
Tartar (also known as tartar) is formed from the calcification of long-standing plaque in the mouth. It is the leftover food debris stuck in between the teeth, at the gum line that toothbrush and floss cannot clean.


Rang Ngoi Dental will explain why you should perform periodic scaling and polishing:

  • Plaque forms 24 hours a day because our eating is a regular and continuous activity. When plaque is not cleaned, it will calcify over time, harden and form tartar.
  • The presence of this tartar layer is one of the main causes of gum diseases such as: red gums, swollen gums, bleeding, bad breath and if severe, can lead to periodontitis. , tooth loss…
  • Bacteria from tartar and from damage caused by tartar can travel into the bloodstream increasing the risk of heart attack or stroke.
  • Tartar, plaque and accumulated stains also change the color of your teeth, making your smile lose its luster.
  • One of the best solutions to prevent these risks is that you should go to the dental center to scrape and polish your teeth every 4-6 months.

Regular brushing, flossing, regular dental hygiene and oral health check-ups help keep your smile bright and breath fresh. In addition, the above habits also help you prevent oral diseases and reduce the risk of tooth loss. Getting tartar on a regular basis will help you remove plaque, tartar build-up and stains from your teeth.

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