
A filling is a procedure done when you have tooth decay. Tooth decay is temporary damage to the surface of a tooth. This damage forms small holes on the teeth, causing cosmetic loss and affecting chewing function. There are 3 common types of tooth decay:

  • Cavities appear on the chewing surfaces of teeth or between teeth.
  • Root caries occurs when the gums recede and the roots of the teeth are exposed and because there is no enamel to protect the roots, the teeth will be prone to decay.
  • Recurrent tooth decay due to plaque forming around fillings or porcelain crowns.


Why should dental fillings when indicated?

  • Tooth decay affects chewing function.
  • If not treated in time, the decay will penetrate deeply into the enamel, pulp system and nerve system inside the crown, causing pain and discomfort.
  • If left for a long time, it will affect the adjacent teeth and cause bone loss, which is difficult to recover.
  • Tooth decay also causes cosmetic loss and leads to bad breath.


Other benefits of dental fillings

  • Repair chipped or cracked teeth, helping to restore tooth shape
  • Close or reduce the space between teeth
  • Make teeth look longer
  • Repair slightly curved teeth to a certain extent


Dental fillings with composite

Composite is a popular cosmetic dental filling material today because of its natural color like real teeth, high strength and non-toxicity to the body.

Advantages of this method:

  • Return teeth to the natural color of real teeth.
  • Fast treatment time.
  • Not toxic to the body.

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